Had a long drive down from Buena Vista stopping at DIA on the way to drop off my brother. Got home in the afternoon, chilled for awhile, then Jason, Carleigh and Jake showed up and we picked up Lazer and headed to Broomfield. We chilled at Crisis for awhile then went across the street to the ledge where we ended up staying almost the whole time. Unfortunately Carleigh couldn’t skate due to a board hitting her ankle while shooting a photo earlier in the day. Lazer actually skated the ledge a long time. Neither of us go front smiths.

But at least Lazer’s looked like a smith grind as opposed to my mutant smith/5-0/wtf.

Jake was ripping and man it was good to see him again. He also got a front 180 nosegrind at the end and some nice ollies over some safeway debris.

Bernie met us at Crisis and managed to still rip even though he had rolled his ankle the day before. Bernie and I had a race to kick back tail. He won obviously. He also landed kick front tail and fakie varial flip back tail. Wow.

As tech as Bernie got it was nothing compared to this 2mph kick back 50 wall push out. First try of course. Ha, I was hyped to do that though. I also ended up getting a few front crooks to fakie. They were slow as well, but man, that is a fun one.
Fuzz showed up after work and busted the basics before we rolled to the church behind his shop. It was a blast. Some kids joined in and we had a good session. Jake did a front blunt transfer into the bank. Fuzz did front lip to fakie (gnar). Lazer did front lip transfer. I got a weak front blunt transfer and a front board front 180 transfer that felt really fun until my straight legged ride away came to a halt. I also got manual to back lip. Bernie did manual to boardslide and eventually nose manny to lipslide that shut down the session. Other stuff that went down before that were Fuzz struggling to ollie three curbs after Chase did it second try, me taking way way way too long to do a slappy lipslide, Lazer spilling his beer twice, a little kid doing a front 50 transfer into the bank, and lots of laughs. Awesome.