skate journal: mostly a filmbot in CO Springs (Feb 20, 2011)
Used the old excuse of having to go to a shop in the Springs as an excuse to go there and film all day (and hopefully skate some). We went to the bank to stairs spot to start, but it was windy and super cold. After an almost back 50 across the steeper bank Derek was close to back noseblunts so I went to filmer mode. He got it and Jack got front sugarcane. Radical. We did some driving and came upon the spot above and below. I had a couple ollie attempts, but I was still shaking cold from sitting in the wind and filming. Max got a super sick feel good line.
Dean Barnes had come with us and takes amazing photos. We had hit a couple other spots where Max slammed and Jack did a dropin then went to the ditch where Jack did the crazy dropin and Max spun a ridiculous switch 360. Last up was the incredibly fun spot Harrison High. Luckily it was too dark to film, or maybe not, because everyone ripped, except me. Well, Jack slammed a lot, Max did nose manny drop to nose manny, Derek took it “easy” on his ankle. I had fun. Got a couple tiny b/s ollies over the hip, b/s flip on the bank. Got hyped on a little frontside ollie on the bank, noseslide the ledge then kickflip the 2 stair first t. I don’t remember much more from that session other then Jack slamming so hard I thought he broke his wrist and Derek falling on sand while skating to the car. That was funny. 5 hotdogs for $1!!!!