Another long and busy day at work. Followed by a quick happy hour with Liz and Mia then a quick dinner before heading to Crisis to sell some boards and ask Fuzz for stickers. The goal was to hit Crisis then 303 then skate the Brighton park. At Crisis Fuzz was into the idea and joined Carleigh, Jake and I. We spent a bit at 303, but eventually arrived at a nearly vacant Brighton skatepark. The ride to the park was a blast. Everyone was in a good mood and we joked about Carleigh roofy’ing dudes. I don’t think I even spelled Roofy right. But don’t worry, it was a joke. At least we think so.Jake started out in the big bowl and Fuzz and I followed. Fuzz brought the speed hype and Jake brought the trick hype. Those dudes can skate tranny good. They both did front 5-0s, back 50s, etc. Fuzz got a front tailslide all sick and Jake did front rock too. I was hyped to carve the tile and get an axle stall. I wanted more, but being dumb ol’ me I bailed a back 50 and the run out hurt my knee. Doh. This pretty much took me out for the rest of the night. I did a few things, but definitely couldn’t ollie. A few things I was kinda hyped to do though. Manny from the flyout bank around the hubba, back 50 the quarter pipe into the mellow bank, roll in a bunch, not be too bummed. Carleigh started out on the bump to bar and did a few noseslides. She also did pop shove, kickflip and front 180 up the euro and kinda tried ollie grab flyouts. Jake ripped went for broke on some of the ledges. Got front 5-0 down the 3 and almost front 50’d the downhill hubba. Fuzz was ripping. I’m so stoked for him being so happy with Crisis and being so hyped on skating. He did a bunch of back pivot to back disasters, a bunch of tricks on the side of the hubba, some sketchy manuals and was the first person in CO to skate in a jacket this year. Near the end of the session I took a few photos since I had done enough damage to the knee for one day. 250 days of skating down. 50 more to go. If I was smart I’d take a day off, but I’m seriously freaking about getting this far and not making 300. I don’t want to have to try for 300 again next year ..
Carleigh first try for the camera noseslide.
Pretty much the worst photo of an ollie over the ledge into the bank. Sorry Fuzz.
Jake didn’t land this, but he put the effort in and put four down getting really close. We gotta go back!