skate journal: rolling deep with the TF (Oct 2, 2010)
Another one of those saturdays that has nothing short of 20 phone calls just to go skate. A large crew assembled at my house while Jake and I played a couple games of SKATE. I won the first one and was feeling decent. The second game kind of dissolved as it was time to move on. The crew was Bernie, Sam, Rob, Brian, Lazer, Jake, Dean, Carleigh, Jason, Neil and me. Whew. Three cars. The first stop was the OG Louisville tech spot. Double sided curb and lots of wood pallets to pile stuff up. Lazer and Brian got some crazy ollies over a wood hip. Bernie was manualling a pallet (two pallets tall and for some reason very awkward) then trying front tail 270 out. Jason was doing 200 foot long boardslides. Sam was skating as well as I’ve ever seen him skate. Rob and Dean were doing their thing. Carleigh was setting up a board. I wasn’t skating too well, but kept at it and ended up getting a line full of poorly landed tricks that still made me happy. Ollie up a curb, kickflip off, heelflip on flat, front 50 the ledge, nollie treflip no speed landing. After awhile Lazer got crazy and tried to back 180 the wood pallet hip. He paid a bunch, but eventually got it. So sick. Neil was doing some ollies off the pallet, manualling the two tall pallet and trying crooks shoves. I tried front shoves out of the pallet for awhile, but didn’t get it or even commit.We were gonna leave, but Bernie was trying some crazy wallride on the top of a pallet. I brought my camera over and he did it in like two tries. So sick. Carleigh, Sam and I skated the ollie into the bank then the little gap for a bit. We all got the easy route, Sam got front 180 quick and I eventually followed. Some more skating around the area went down. Jake was trying to ollie two cones, but never got it that I could see. Rob was doing some cool b/s shifties off the little kicker.We eventually left for the mellow bank to tall ledge/wallride spot. Some sat around. Dean rolled his ankle on a no comply. Neil worked up to manny to the bank, no comply tail. Jason did sone rad alley oop front noseslides. Bernie made us all feel old with a first try kickflip pivot. I got a couple front 50 stalls quicker than I would have thought. Tried back 50, but didn’t get close. Rob was trying too and didn’t get it. Jake took awhile to get a front 50, but when he got it it was gold. Sam was ripping nose mannies. Brian tried alley oop front wallrides for a long time. Lazer got front smith stall. Carleigh was popping some nice ollies and almost got a back nosestall on the ledge. After awhile I tried wallrides and came remotely close. I committed, but can’t figure out how to not land primo. People were ready to leave, but no one could come up with a plan so I just skated flat for awhile. Treflip, heelflips, halfcab flips were on. I think overall I was 50% on treflips for the day which is really good for me.We eventually left and went to Broomfield park. I was sore and did nothing but dork around for the first 30 min. The park was super crowded so I really didn’t see much of what anyone else did. Lazer and I had a crappy game of SKATE on the quarta potty that was mostly just interrupted by kids standing in the way. He did get me to finally do f/s pivots on it though. I did some slappy mannies on the blue ledge and put one into 5-0 and got the shove out. Rad. Did one slappy manny into back lip and tried to shove out. It was goofy times. Derek, Chris Jones and Daryl were there too as well as other buddies. I eventually started actually trying to skate and did a few things I was hyped on. Back 5-0 shove out, double flips, front feebs on the qp.
All in all one of my better days of skating. Dean took these photos with my camera. He’s a way better photographer than me.