skate journal: Boulder spots in the heat (Sept 4, 2010)

It was another mid 90 degree day and I wasn’t ready for it.  I met Jason at the manny pad where I struggled badly.  10 tries to even land a manual.  I was skating so horribly.  Jason seemed to be doing better and trying some new tricks.  Neither of us landed much.  I managed to get my first nose manny nollie back shove out in a long time.  Came close to heelflip manny.We left for the ledge area and my legs had nothing.  I could boardslide and crooks it, but ollies up into 50 was so hard.  Jason was ripping through.  Back 50s, front board pop out.  Brian and Lazer met up for some skating and complaining.  We went over to the bank to curb area nearby.  Jason and Lazer threw down a bunch of tricks.  Tail blocks, crails, stuff like that.  Brian sat and debated quitting skateboarding.  I tried back pivot shove outs until I got one that met my requirement for a clean landing ( < 3 tic tacs).  I had to leave to get to a BBQ at Zachs.  Fun.  Not the best day of skating.