Phil Zwijsen
Posted in Amazing skate clips on August 15th, 2010 by corpoSaw this on Jack’s Blog and wow.
Saw this on Jack’s Blog and wow.
This part rules. I still want color video though Mystery.
Such a nice day. Went to Brian Bourquin’s wedding and brunch and had a blast. Even had a couple drinks that had worn off making me a big sleepy when I picked up Jake. Oh yeah, I didn’t want to skate my same crappy setup anymore so I set up a new board and rocked some new shoes. I-Path Stash’s. 420 dude.No one was at Rock Creek and we played warm up on the ramp for awhile. Jake killed it. I almost started landing tricks when we moved on to a game of SKATE. The game went on forever and I think we just kinda ended it with a fakie treflip race which I eventually landed. I also tried some front smiths on the round bar and kinda landed a jib at the end one. Fun session though. Hyped on my new setup.
A hot afternoon after a long work week. I had a few minutes to skate before Liz and I went on a date so I skated flat in front of the house on the melting street. I just went slow and skated in the shady area or else my wheels would stick in the road. I tried a ton of nollie b/s bigspins. I’ve landed that trick, but never well. That continued. I did get closer to comprehending that trick though. I also did a bunch of kickflips setting up for nollie flip attempts that I never got too close to. After a good for me treflip I called it a day and went on to have one of the best dates with Liz ever. She is the best.
Max is the new kid on the Null Wheel team. We started filming a little intro clip. He ripped it. The only stuff I tried while we filmed was a crooks on a metal ledge that I didn’t land. We ended up going to Broomfield for about the last 30 minutes. I didn’t suck as bad as I thought I would, but I didn’t do anything new or surprising. Max did a hardflip manual on the blue pad and I almost got his back with a kickflip manual. I look forward to that park not being so crowded.
Finally had some energy, but not much time. After work I played Barbies with India (meaning I fell asleep while she played) and then football with Ollie. So fun. I used the old “I need to go to the ATM” excuse and skated in the Table Mesa shopping center area for about 40 min. It was a blast. I started out at my eye doctor’s parking lot just going fast and doing some ollies. I got a little run with ollie up the curb past a crack, ollie a grate to manual the sidewalk. Fun. After that I ollied a brick flat gap to parking lot that I’ve never done before. Posed an ollie over the kicker to parking lot gap. If that crack wasn’t before it I would maybe really try it. A couple ollies in/out of the other kicker I was at the long manual pad with the wallrides, but got sidetracked by a “I used to skate back in the day, have you heard of Tony Hawk?” guy and was too tired to skate anymore after that.
Had to make a run to 303. Carleigh came and we were gonna skate downtown. I guess I was still super tired because when it was time to park and skate I just wanted to go home. We attempted to stop at the Lville skatepark, but it was super crowded with teenagers so we blew that and ended up in the worst parking lot ever. Carleigh learned nollie back 180s though and all I did was do a quick up a two stair that was horrible. Sorry Carleigh.
Totally dead from KOTC. Went swimming with the kids then slept a lot.
This photo of Fuzz represents how all of us felt Sunday morning. After a good ol’ cafe breakfast we headed to Northside where surprisingly Fuzz knocked out the boardslide over the mustache in minutes. I was having the worst time though. On the way to and from the car I hit rocks in the parking lot and slammed. Ugh. The only thing that came out of the day for me was a no comply pole jam which I’ve never done there before. Yippee. Brian and Fuzz knocked out trannie tricks, ragdoll tricks, Jack did a sick manual on the mj ledge, etc. Then we cruised over to the gnar bank and Bernie ollied into it. So ridiculous. Standing in the median directing traffic and filming was terrifying. KOTC was over. We apparently scored the most points. Nice. What a fun time. The party at MRKT was awesome and seeing all the John Doe photos was awesome.
As usual, go to Caleigh’s blog for tons more photos and awesomeness.