skate journal: kotc day #1
Oh man, where to begin. Luckily Carleigh already documented day 1 so I can just cheat off her. The day started early after the dentist. I picked up Jack and we went to the dentist 5 stair to try and pound out 5 stair tricks. We got booted immediately. Next up the 5 stair snoopy rail where Jack put down a few tricks and John and I wished we could skate stairs first thing in the morning.Next up we were in Loveland. We first skated the crappy metal park because some points were had for skating the tall flat bar. I noseslid it, Fuzz boardslid and feebled it. We skated there for a bit before moving on to the main park where Fuzz, John, Brian, Chris, Daryl pounded out transition tricks and I sucked.
On to the Loveland bank rail spot where I once again took forever to land a b/s flip and everyone else ripped it up. Daryl ollied up over the rail and over a chair. Ridiculous. Brian pulling Chris for the 50 point gap was hilarious. We drove around and hit more spots for awhile filming. Basically, just read Caleighs blog to get it all. She rules.
We ended up in Ft Collins for the night and stayed at Skellys. We had a blast at a late night Northside session. Fuzz, Daryl, Sean, Chris, Pat, Mike all killed it. I got a few b/s slash grinds before landing a boardslide on the rocks and a little slash on the rocks that made me happy. Day 1 was a blast.