Tired and feeling kind of sick from a very late night breakfast burrito after the Jeremy Fish Art Show I met up with Neil, Fuzz, Nate and Carleigh and we drove to Longmont where we met Jason and Dave Fuller. We met at the little concrete park with the hips. I love that park. But today was not my day and to top it off I had new shoes, wheels and a board. I’ve had 3 pairs of the DC Crews in a row so I knew it would be tough. But I didn’t think it would be as tough as it was.
These shoes have nowhere near the support the DCs have so it felt like they were in worse shape then my DC’s except that there isn’t a hole in them and they still have tread on the sole. Oh well. The new wheels weren’t Null wheels either so that was kinda weird. They are some sample wheels from ATM. Yes, I might switch nullethane. Who knows. Anyways, I sucked. The only good thing I did was my best tailslide ever over the hip. Jason was killing it. He back feebled the curved ledge so perfect. He also had some nice backside ollies over the hip. Neil was killing the one foots over the hip, nose mannies and nose bonks. Carleigh landed a rare front 5-o and a pop shove real quick over the hip. Fuzz did everything. Monster ollies over the hip, back 5-o the top of rail coming up the bank, boardslide to manny, bluntslide, fakie ollie over the hip, a ton more and ended it with a front 360 over the hip. Dave had some cool hip bluntslide transfer tricks, front boards to fakie on the bump to longer ledge and style for miles. Nate was killing it too. Feeble the curved ledge, back nosegrind the regular ledge super easy, nose manny lip slide, front lip around the curve to front 5-0, feeble 180 around the curved ledge, manny to front tailslide, and back lip on the reg ledge. Wowsers.After awhile we split out. Neil headed back to Boulder while the rest of us headed to Northside. My car load stopped at MRKT first to sell some boards though. Oh I forgot all about mentioning it was two days after 15″ of snow and it was mostly gone right? I guess Ft Collins didn’t get nearly as much snow though. Jason and Dave were already at Northside as well as Andy, Grant, and some other rad Ft Collins locals. They seriously have the best scene. Everyone is so positive. There weren’t many people there at all and the weather was great. So awesome.Jason was skating the banked ledge. Back 5-0, back tail, back board and slamming on back board transfers coming the other way. He eventually got one. Dave was cruising around doing some casual stuff everywhere. Nate was on a mission. I think he landed everything except a super long and sick front board transfer on the banked ledge. Fuzz was on a killing spree, but couldn’t put down the front noseblunt slide on the tall bank. So sick. Carleigh was doing some good ollies on the flat bank. I was skating that park better than normal. Not good by any means, but I did some new stuff for me. I was trying a run of backside cali mongo push over the china hump, backside flip on the bank and then no comply pole jam. Never got the polejam. The other new trick for me was a boardslide on the banked ledge. The locals were killing it as usual. Such a fun scene.Lastly we were gonna head to Fossil Creek, but got a desperate phone call from Chad Dad asking to meet at the Courthouse instead because he was on diaper duty. Ha. I was completely dead at that point. I managed to get Chad to SKAT in SKATE though. Two of the trick were front 180 and sw front 180 though. Seriously. His last trick was switch heel and I hucked it coming surprisingly close. I got closer next try, but then never close again. Argh. The rest of my session was spent watching and doing dumb cali grinds instead of ollieing a gap. Fuzz and Nate were murdering it. Ollies over rocks, wallies, manuals, gap ollies, everything. Carleigh was trying to learn halfcab flips. Pretty fun ending on a good day.