skate journal: bank curb spot with Ollies and his friends, then CU with Jake (March 13, 2010)

After such a good day of skateboarding the night before I figured I was doomed.  I was in charge of Ollie and his friend Sam and they wanted to go skating.  Perfect!  The weather was awesome too.  The first 60 degree day in forever.  My parents said we actually broke a record for the longest time ever between 60 degree days.  Some 100+ days.  Ridiculous.   I figured I’d take them to the bank/curb spot near Mikes Camera.  Ollie ended up inviting more of his friends so I ended up bringing 4 mongo pushing kids to the spot.  Ha.  I ended up not sucking like I expected and skated hard while making sure none of the kids were hurt or anything.  After messing around for awhile I settled in trying manuals into stall tricks on the sidewalk section of it.  This ended up being super hard, but really fun for me.  I came really close to manual to front tail, but then started going to b/s tricks as it was just easier that way.  I got manuals into axle stall, pivot and nose pick.  It’s too mellow to manual back easily so I would try a slow trick like a no comply boneless or whatever it is that Neil does so good.  Ollie was ripping.  Frontside and backside carves around the parking blocks like it was nothing, ollieing into the bank and trying body varials out of the bank.  At the end he almost got frontside grinds while carving over a block, but asphalt doesn’t grind to good.  That would have been so sick.   Cooper ollied the two stair pretty easily and eventually did some good carves too.  Quin and Sam were cruising around and having fun too.  After awhile I tried a run of ollie the angled manny pad then try to ollie up the awkward two stair.  I was struggling with that so moved on to trying front 180 nose manuals then the ollie up the two.  Never got that either, but eventually got the ollie up the two and was hyped I landed so many 180 nose manuals.  Fun session to start the day.  Had to get Quin and Cooper back home for baseball practice so we bolted.Later on I met up with Jake and we went to skate campus.  We started up near Meta and agreed on skating the wallride spot which is halfway across campus.  Jake took off b-lining it for the wallride spot.  I took my time cracking ollies over sidewalk sections, doing some kickflips, manuals, etc just trying to get warmed up.  At the wallride spot Jake landed like the first 5 wallrides he tried.  Sick!  The normal Glen was back.  Aka the one that doesn’t land anything.  Ugh.  The wallride took several tries and I couldn’t get any flippers to line it out.  I did manage a good manual along the sidewalk though and ollied over the really low manny pad.  Hyped on that because it was terrifying to me.We agreed on the banked manny pad next.  On the way I ollied the 4 stair and posed a couple flippers over some sidewalk cracks, but bailed.  Oh well.  The manny pad was pretty dirty as it must have had snow on it for the last few weeks or even months the way this winter has been.  I was pretty grouchy at this point of the session for some reason.  I guess just being tired and not landing tricks like the day before.  Oh well.  Jake laid down the best tre I’ve seen him do in the parking lot there.  I kind of ollied a trash bag of shredded paper, almost mannied down the manny pad, posed some hardflips and took several tries to land a sw front 180 into the manny pad.We started heading back toward the car since Jake didn’t have long and stopped at the student center.  I ollied down the 4 first try then watched Jake try to ollie up the 4.  So sick.  He came really close, but never rolled away.  Next we hit up the building with the new tiny banked curbs and other stuff.  Jake made fun of me for not knowing what building it was.  The Economics building!  Ok I got it.  It was never a skate spot before so how would I know?  ha.  I’ve wanted to do the drop down then ollie back up then big drop that I saw Jack do in his sleep a year ago.  It took me several tries and Jake telling me I owed him gummy bears if I didn’t do it to finally get it.  As ugly as I did it I was hyped to finally do it.  It was really scary for me to ollie onto a narrow ledge that has a 5 foot drop on one side and 3 foot on the other.  On the way out I ollied the  gap into the banked curb and then the ol bench to bikepath gap.  Decent session.  Sorry if I was grouchy Jake.