skate journal: backyard pool near the beach in SF? unreal (March 7, 2010)
Another beautiful day in SF. Sunny skies, a bit breezy. We met up at Gordon’s house. While people were gathering Jason and I rolled around a few blocks looking for something fun. We didn’t find much other than a red curb that we didn’t stay at for very long. I tried kickflips for awhile in front of Gordon’s house, but could not get them to feel right. Argh.We departed for the pool and wow was it a rad spot. We all took awhile to warm up in this thing because it was so tight. I didn’t skate it great, but managed to carve around a bit and get some scratcher grinds and almost a front rock. It was about 5 feet deep and went to vert.
Brian, Gordon, Lazer and Fuzz killed this thing. Brian especially blew me away. He had so many tricks and was flowing around so good. The one footed front tails were my favorite. Or I guess they are called madollies. Gordon had the lines for sure. Fuzz may be bummed he resorted to front tails again, but man he does them as good as they can be done. Nate got some good front slashers, Neil was hauling ass and tons of others were there. It was fun. Near the end of the session I was trying a line with a back scratch grind followed by a front rock. Couldn’t quite do it even when Brian told me to “earn my flannel”. Ha ha.Nate, Carleigh, Jason and I went to skate some street around the house since the session got so crowded. It started for me by getting super frustrated trying to ollie a bucket off a curb. I did it somehow, but I don’t know how my little ollie cleared it. Next we walked out to the ocean and got sand in our eyes then hiked up some mellow hills for a bit. We didn’t find much, a couple little hips and what not. It was fun going down though. At one point I committed to ollie’ing a median without looking first and did the sketchiest wallie/ollie at speed and somehow made it. At the very end of the day I tried a few treflips and could not get close. I got super pissed. I wanted to break my board. I was soooo mad. I just hated that I was in SF and too sore to do hardly anything. Ugh, I landed one finally then went on in to the pizza contest and failed at that too.