Cannon, Lion Sized and Tauntaun at Larimer Lounge Feb 26, 2010
The kids were staying over at a friends so Liz and I decided to go to this show. After eating some good BBQ with TF and watching the Nuggets win we headed to Denver with Carleigh. We got into the show about the time the opening band Cannon started. They ended up being really good. They were pretty heavy indie rock at times, somewhat metal at other times. Next up was Lion Sized which was the only band I had seen before. I liked them a lot the first time I saw them, but this time they kinda let me down. The music is a lot like Hot Snakes, but it just didn’t do it for any of us this time.The headlining band was called Tauntaun. We had never heard of them. We figured if they sucked or were even just mediocre we’d leave so we could get to sleep early. They started the show by cranking the fog machine up so much that Liz left the front room. Ha. Within the first song it was pretty clear that they were awesome. Really awesome. I don’t like much metal, but this was incredible. It reminded me of classic metal. Sabbath, Maiden, Priest and Motorhead with a bit of grunge thrown in to make it completely incredible. It was so good that Liz liked it, and she hates most metal. It was also so good that I bought a Tauntaun t-shirt and record. Check them out, they rule.