Heath Kirchart rules

Posted in Amazing skate clips on October 9th, 2009 by corpo


skate journal: It’s Rampy season (Oct 8, 2009)

Posted in Skate Journal on October 9th, 2009 by corpo

Skated Rampy for a bit with Ollie before dinner.  Pretty chill session.  My moon boot I-Path shoes still seem a bit large, but better then the Adio football cleats.  Later on Nate came over and we skated for a couple hours.  It was looking like a pretty uninspired session so we started racing to dumb tricks we haven’t done a whole lot.  I won nose stall fakie.  Nate one ollie rock fakie and back smith grind.  I had to work at a lot of tricks like front d and front tail.  Had a couple decent feeling back nosegrinds.  Rampy is hard to skate.


Posted in Random Funniness on October 8th, 2009 by corpo

Click the photo for pure awesomeness.  Pirates attempted to overtake a Navy ship and no, it’s not the Onion.

skate journal: more bank spot and manny pads (Oct 7, 2009)

Posted in Skate Journal on October 8th, 2009 by corpo

irieAnother hectic day at work after waking up way too early with a headache that wasn’t induced by beer.  Ugh.  Got off work around 4:30 and met Jason and Nate at the bank spot.  We had fun for awhile, but the spot definitely started to wear on me.  I got a lot of crooks pop offs and standard boring slasher 5-0 things over the hole.  Grinded the lower part once.  Jason had a super good back 5-0.  Nate did a back 180 over the hole.  Sick!Oh yeah, I had acquired these I-Paths over the weekend (thanks John) and decided that anything has to be better then those Adio shoes.  I was right.  I had some energy and actually skating for the first time in awhile.  We left after awhile and went to the new manny pad spot behind Colorado Sports.  Nate killed it with nose manny nose grind.  Jason and I tried manualing 3 pads in a row.  I got manny, nose manny then manny scrape.  How the hell did Jack manny all 4 without touching down in between?Anyways I didn’t skate with my orthotics in again and my legs are dead.  I don’t know how people do it.  Not having the in doesn’t seem to save my achilles anyways so next session, their back in.  Yippee.

skate journal: brief bank spot session (Oct 6, 2009)

Posted in Skate Journal on October 8th, 2009 by corpo

After a rough day at work I had about 40 minutes of free time and decided to spend it embarrassing myself on a skateboard.  I went to the new bank spot that’s new to me and met Nate there.  I was sucking as much as usual for late.  Ugh.  I absolutely hate my new Adio shoes.  They have the weirded shape.  My heel was acting up and could not push or ollie comfortably.  I managed one fakie pivot fakie (not over the hole) and a few back smith scrapes over the hole.  Those are fun.  Nate is recovering from a heel bruise he obtained playing soccer, but still did lots of cool stuff like hurricane on the ledge and long back smiths over the hole.  Toward the end I tried to kickflip over the hole and almost died.  I got even more bummed and left to try and get home in time for India to make it to ballet class on time.  She was late.  My fault.  Sweet.

Booo Cory Kennedy

Posted in Random skate news on October 5th, 2009 by corpo

Not sure why this bums me out so much, but boo Cory Kennedy.  Sure those tricks are pretty cool, but it sure comes off as jocky and cocky to throw those out of the gates.  Ramondetta still rules.

skate journal: heel was a bit better, but not much (Oct 4, 2009)

Posted in Skate Journal on October 5th, 2009 by corpo

Started my day off feeling better.  Heel felt good, side felt ok.  Went outside to skate and realize I hadn’t put my shoe on yet so the heel started hurting more.  Ugh.  Side went kinda numb too.  Man getting old sucks.  I could barely kickflip to save my life.  I dorked around in front of the house for awhile and posed out switch f/s flips which still somehow feel doable.  Everyone showed up and after a viewing of Inhabitants we went over to Valmont because  Carleigh wanted to get a noseslide shove.  I wasn’t complaining as I had a trick for that spot on my list.  Lists lists lists, film film film.  Looking forward to a couple weeks from now when there is no filming again.  But it is what it is and it’s almost kinda cool trying to get everything on film.  I started trying front 180 fakie 50 bigspin out and eventually landed a couple.  Lazer ski’d off the dock.  Fuzz did 20 warmup tricks I would film for my part.  Neil got a lipslide.  Carleigh did not get the noseslide shove.  Then we went over to this bush gap  and Brian ollied it.  It was ridiculous.  That’s one of the list for me and one off the list for Brian.  Rad.

skate journal: being old sucks (Oct 3, 2009)

Posted in Skate Journal on October 5th, 2009 by corpo

I attempted to skate on Friday too, but my achilles was hurting so bad I couldn’t push.  Ugh.  Tried again on Saturday and it was a bit better, but still sucked.  We started at a bank spot that I’ve never skated before and that spot is so sick.  It’s got a waxed bank where you can go over some holes and a shorter ledge.  I got a couple weird back hurricanes over it where I turned to forward the wrong way.  My legs didn’t have it in them to pop onto the little ledge.  Ugh.  Fuzz was ripping of course.  Brian and I were stressing over what we could do that would be filmed.  John straight showed up Reed Goodman.  Ha.  Jake had some good front  lipslides over the hole.Next we went to Fairview where I was to try my stupid kickflip noseman dumptruck.  I didn’t get close.  I did get frustrated though.  My heel started acting up and I was over it.  I don’t really feel like doing another 2 mile an hour trick anyway.  I lurked or filmed the rest of the day.

sickest skatepark of all time

Posted in Random skate news on October 2nd, 2009 by corpo

Looks more like an RC car track or a Norman Rockwell painting or something.  Too bad that kid doesn’t have a longboard.

skate journal: KICK BACK TAIL! NOT FAIL! KICK BACK TAIL! (Oct 1, 2009)

Posted in Skate Journal on October 2nd, 2009 by corpo

Another day, another day of thinking about this one trick I’ve gotten too close on not to try anymore.  Nate had bruised his heel really bad playing soccer and had told me early in the day that he would sit and film me until I landed it.  Sweet.  He was propped up in the cold with a bomber and the camera and kept telling me “you got it!”  Jason showed up and brought some lights which made it look even better.  He didn’t really skate either, just hung out and watched.I had some new shoes as my Lakais were totally dead.  Some Adio Cranes.  I’ve been wearing them around for awhile so their broke in.  Why Adio?  Well they used to hook Greg up and it was basically all SOL had that met my shoe requirement of fake vulc.  Anyways, it felt a little weird for sure, but change is good when your trying the same thing over and over.  I did a rock ‘n roll and a axle stall as warm ups prior to giving the ol’ kick back tail a go.  First one was close.  Then nothing for awhile.  About 30 min in I started trying switch f/s flips near where I start and was getting close.  Eventually I told myself to not land the kick back tail so I could land a switch f/s flip.  Well, that appeared to do the trick as the stars finally aligned and I put the kick back tail down.  It felt absolutely amazing.  I had no idea I was doing it either.  I had gotten to a point where I felt like I was just passing the motions trying it.  I just kept telling myself, go fast, turn the shoulders and maybe one of these will go.  I rode away in shock and disbelief.  It all happened so fast.  I was riding away before I realized I had really done it.   I put my board in the car and we took off after some high fives.  Went straight home and loaded the footage.  It came out great.  I flail my arms a bit, but the kick back tail was as good as I’ll ever do it.  Thanks to everyone who sat and filmed my try this.  Jason, Nate, Rob, Jack and Brian. Thank you all so much.  I am so looking forward to skating somewhere else!