skate journal: late night Linden session in Fremont, NE (Oct 23, 2009)
In Fremont for Matt Rief’s wedding, but still exhausted/destroyed from so many late nights of editing the Fremont crew and Pat Hickey headed to Linden. It was cold and and I had new shoes, new board and new wheels.Hey, I figured Off The Couch is done so why not start fresh? My other gear was busted anyway. Joe went to work immediately and seriously busted every move he’s got and some new ones. Front lip to front 50 to front board. back shove front 50 front shove out. Back 50 back board 27 0 out. The list goes on and on. His new trick was a fakie front 50 turned into a back 50. Ridiculous. Matt was taking it mellow for obvious wedding reasons. Pat wasn’t ripping as much as normal, but both of us were really tired/sore. Glad we skated.
Eric took a few fun long exposure photos. Not sure how he was able to capture this rare front 50 as I only did about 50 of them.
Maybe these initial are cooler then sskfbts – ncbt. no comply back tail. I’d post some more photos, but Eric has them posted in a copywrited site so I gotta screen capture each one ..