skate journal: CO springs park with Mikey (May 8)

Mikey and I rolled to CO Springs on a nice, but windy morning in Boulder.  Get to the Springs and it’s windy there too, but cold as well.  I’ve come to realize it’s never nice when I go there.  We played a game of SKATE to get warmed up that went on a long time and put me on my ass a few times.  Ouch.  I still can’t land nollie tres anymore, but got treflip pretty quick.  Skating the park was weird at first.  I was sucking. I even fell rolling into a flat bank at one point.  Ugh.  I almost just wanted to leave there, but we kept going and eventually I had fun.  We skated the weird pyramid thing and Mikey and I started our ‘back to back’ trend for the day.  I learned a bluntslide to fakie transfer and he backed me up with a nollie backside flip over the hip.  Next up I backside flipped on a flat bank and he switch 180’d the stairs (steezey as it gets).  Lastly Mikey nollie shove manualled the downhill manny pad and I manualled it (which was scary to me).  I took a break for awhile then we ended up at the backyard pool bowl and Mikey killed the ollies to fakie up by the light.  I did some lame carves.  Then we played a couple more games of SKATE in the rain/wind and split out as the temperature dropped 20 more degrees.