JAM’s Birthday and Lions The Brave, Gangcharger and Sonnenblume concert review
Posted in Concert Reviews, Music News on April 23rd, 2009 by corpoI got a text from my friend Ethan in the afternoon saying his band was playing that evening in Denver. I ran it by Liz and she was in and our babysitter was down to watch the kids so all of a sudden Liz and I were gonna be going out. Whew. We told our babysitter to come a bit early so we could hit up Wax Trax records on the way, but then it turned out there was a surprise gathering for Jam’s birthday at Wahoos. Jam’s been bugging me about a Null Thermal for quite some time now so I figured since it’s his birthday and all maybe I should finally hook it up. Jam was hyped. Until ..
.. he opened the mother of all presents. A brand new super tech jacket.
I got one upped
Oh look, it’s even got a hidden full face hood thing
Jason, the victor.
The TF was rolling deep. Brian looking serious.
Neil lost the elbow game and had to lie down.
After dinner Jason, Kathy, Fuzz, Leslie, Liz and I went to Moes Original to see Ethan’s band Gangcharger play. When we arrived Lions The Brave was already playing. We have seen them before and both Fuzz and I love them. It’s instrumental rock that builds up and destroys on each song. Go see them, they are excellent. Fuzz and I both bought EPs and all. Check out their myspace HERE. It’s got all kinds of youtube clips and whatnot.
This was our first time to Moes. It’s also a BBQ joint and the smell of the food is absolutely amazing. In fact it smelled so good that we all ended up getting food and enjoying every bit of it. Nothing like good BBQ with a cold beer. Gangcharger came on next and blasted their sonic boom. Tons of LOUD distortion, fuzz, noise and guitars. In other words I love it. I was surprised at how well the songs were structured and the distortion was always perfect. Anyone can blare distortion, but it takes talent and patience to make the perfect sound. Gangcharger’s got it. Check out their myspace page HERE. Thanks for the cd Ethan!
Last up was Sonnenblume. I’ve never heard of them, but clearly they are veterans to this music thing considering how well they could play their instruments. Both the guitarist and drummer would kill their instruments on every song. I mean, KILL them. Especially the drummer. I’m surprised he didn’t destroy his drumset. The music was good. Fuzz loved it. I thought the singers voice was a little to pretty for my tastes. They are a good band for sure though. Denver is coming up! Check out their myspace here.