Dead Moon – Dead Moon Night – Song Of The Day
Posted in Song Of The Day on March 2nd, 2009 by corpoI can thank Corey Duffel for introducing me to this one.
I can thank Corey Duffel for introducing me to this one.
Little Jack sent this one to me. So good.
After a decently long hike with Liz and Ollie in the morning (India was still at a sleepover) I met at Brian’s and we were off to Ft Fun. We started at the jersey barrier spot and Brian, Neil, Jason and Lazer killed it. I got wallrides both ways on the barrier and a b/s flip on a mellow part of the nearby bank. I used to have that trick on lock. Ugh. Next up we skated the O Ledge. It was funny because for some reason the ledge seemed huge. None of us got on it right away. Eventually some boardslides and noseslides were landed and Neil no complied it. It was not a pretty session. I ate shit on a front 50, but managed front 50, front 50 front 180, front 50 shove and a front 5-0. I wanted a front 5-0 shove, but it didn’t happen and that ledge is tall.At this point we split up and Jason and I rolled with Sean to a street spot while the rest of the Factory skated the Northside skatepark. The spot was so close to being epic, but the main surface was 20 year old rough ass asphalt. Nothing worthy went down, but it was fun.
India was had parties to attend all day so Ollie was with me and he seemed hyped on skating with the old dudes. We went to Southern Hills. Brian, Neil, Jarad and I played a game of SKATE. It wasn’t the best game to go down and to prove it I won it. I didn’t skate for crap and was lacking any sort of drive, but Neil and Jarad were ripping and Ollie was cruising around with a huge smile on his face. Toward the end Neil, Jarad and Brian took off and it was just Jason, Ollie and me. Jason and I were working on front noseslide back 270s out. We both got them, but they weren’t great. I was also doing a flip trick everytime and managed to get a nollie threeflip and heelflip. At this point I almost think heelflips are harder. We left because Ollie was bored and went to the Boulder ditch. Jason did some rad stuff, Ollie smiled a ton and I went on sucking. Not the greatest day for me.
After my last temper fit I went and got some fake vulc shoes. Circa Riots. I had wore them all day at work and skated Rampy with them and they kinda felt ok. Josh, Jason and I drove through snow and wind to get there around noon. It wasn’t warm and warming up wasn’t easy in those moonboots with cupsoles. I’m as picky as it gets about shoes. I figured cupsoles would be great on my upcoming trip to SF, but my god, breaking them in is like risking your ankle every second of skating. I hated it. Josh was killing everything in sight. So sick to watch. After skating around for quite some time and sucking we started skating the weird banked spot that seems straight out of Barcelona. Josh was doing every 360 flip variation there was. jason and I were trying some weird grind transfer tricks. I got a back 5-0 270 transfer thing. It was pretty dumb, but probably ended up being my favorite trick of the day. Around now Mikey, Chris and Chad showed up and brought crappy weather with them. It got way colder and it was snowing off and on. At one point I was just riding down a flat bank and came off my board and almost died. It was at that point that I decided it was in my best interest to never skate cupsole shoes again and I went straight to the car and got some Vans I had brought with me incase the cupsoles sucked.
All of a sudden skating started becoming fun again. Unfortunately this was also about the time the snow really started coming down and sticking. Ugh. After a huge bag of Zesty Combos and an hours drive Josh, Jason and I stopped at Parker skatepark and were met with intense cold. We didn’t even roll around the park twice before leaving. If nothing else I relearned a valuable lesson, cupsoles suck!
The Harbounator came by for awhile and we skated before I filmed a little ramp footage of him. He was loving the ramp and ripping it of course with tons of crazy 270 reverts. I didn’t get much before filming him, but had fun and got a front smith which always feels good. Later with Ollie I had a really good run, but it’s been like 4 days so I don’t remember what it was. I know it had a front disaster, fakie 50 fakie, back 50 fakie and a few more tricks. Fun fun. I like Rampy.