skate journal: Rampy for a bit (Jan 3)

Had a blast with the kids all day.  Went swimming, to the grocery store, played Trouble.  Basically had a blast all day.  After they went to sleep I skated Rampy for about an hour.  Liz even took a couple photos.  Started trying a new trick for me.  Fakie front smith to fakie.  Never committed, but was close.  Accidently landed a new trick when I was trying nollie pivot – nollie back smith stall.  Also tried a bunch of lines I’ve never done before.  Back 50, back 5-0, back feeble, back smith.  Got dizzy on that one.  Also did my first front 50 while coming out of an axle stall instead of a tail stall.  I gotta get rid of my 20 tail stalls/ rock fakies per run.feeblefeeble grind50 revertBack 50 revertsmithmaybe not the front smith I landed, but compensating for the crappy delay on our digital camera sucks.