skate journal: Lville park with Jason and logs for legs (sept 23)
Went to Louisvllie park with Jason and only 2 other people were there. We were hyped. Then we tried to skate. I don’t know what was wrong with me, but I felt the least coordinated I’ve felt in a long time and that’s saying a lot. I tried and tried to get warmed up, but nothing was happening. Jason and I decided to just skate the bank to curb thing. He killed it and I didn’t. Although it did somehow seem to warm me up a little. I landed a few crooks and a front 50 back 180. Tried a bunch of 5-0 shoves and didn’t get close. This teenage kid showed up and killed the place with tons of energy. If I had 1/10 of the energy he had I would have been stoked. Damn kids.