Traffic Skateboards – Moving In Traffic video review
I love east coast videos and the last Traffic video Via is still one of my all time favorites. According to stuff I read on various skate nerd sites this is more of just a promo video to introduce it’s new team riders Bobby Puleo and Jack Sabback than a real video. Knowing that I was still a bit surprised by the shortness of this video. Bobby and Jack each have full parts and there is one montage. Luckily the video packs a lot of sick skating in and just like their last video, makes me want to stop whatever I’m doing and go skate immediately. If only I could leave work whenever I wanted to. Doh.The filming and editing is improved and the video flows well. Puleo opens the video with his patented quick feet, long lines and unique spots. I was expecting a bit more, but it’s still a good part. My favorite trick is the ollie up onto the ledge while 50’ing a wide flatbar. Sabback’s part is pretty ridiculous. Tons of tech tricks while flowing through the city and dodging pedestrians. Dude is sick.Rating: