skate journal: Lville tech with Neil, Sam, Bernie, Ollie and his friends (Jan 16, 2011)

Wow, the first time I’ve woken up still buzzing in forever. I drank enough water over the course of the evening to not feel hungover, just tired and disoriented. We met up with Bernie and Sam who were skating the new manny pad we found the week before. I had new shoe blues. Literally, some new navy blue es square twos. Stoked. The kids had fun ollieing off the ledges and stuff. Sam nose mannied it easy. Bernie was trying fakie manuals, but didn’t get it. I was getting tech trying manuals. Ugh. It took a long time to land one. After that it took a long time to land nose mannies. Neil had shown up. He got my back with a nose manny too. Rad. I went on to get a kickflip manual pretty quick. There was some toe drag when I landed in manny, but I was too stoked to care. Neil went on to do one foot manny first try and nose mannied it from high to low. Bernie was trying halfcab flip manny 360 flip out. Never got it.We left for a gap in and out manny pad.  When we got there we found a sick kicker gap, but it needs some treebranch trimming.  Maybe next week, it could be super sick.  Anyways the gap in /out got the best of me.  I got so frustrated with just an ollie and I almost freaked out.  It sucked.  I finally landed just a stupid ollie and went right to the car and got out the filming board to get Bernie.  It worked out as Bernie got a super sick line.  Kickflip manny gap out then ollie a big pile of snow.  Neat.  Sam and Neil ollie in/out several times.Bernie and Sam left.  The rest of us went to the two stair area, but got booted quickly.  Next up was the bird bank.  I was tired and didn’t really do much.  The kids had a blast and cruised around the area.  Ollie had a couple cool body varials on the bank.  We left shortly as Sam was uttering “I’m hungry can we go now?” about every 5 seconds.  Not the best day, but considering last nights activities it went pretty well.